Thursday, October 24, 2019



The hex system, or hexadecimal, is a base 16 number system. Because the decimal system has only 10 digits, the additional 6 digits are represented by the first 6 letters in the alphabet. For example, a hex value of B would be represented in decimal form as 11, or a binary value of 1011. It is an easy way to express binary numbers in modern computers where a byte is usually defined as containing eight binary digits.
The decimal system is one of today’s oldest and most commonly used numbers systems. It is also known as base 10 numbering because it is based on 10 single digits:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. For example, a decimal value of 11 would be represented as a hex value of B, or as a binary value of 1011.


A decimal or dec bit represents a single number, digit, or letter. A decimal is also called base 10 and denary as it consists of ten numbers. They are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. A decimal is a number system and can be represented using a subscription of 10 (i.e. 23510 reads as two hundred and thirty-five base 10). Decimals are the numbers that we use in everyday counting. We use the decimal number system mostly because we have ten fingers. The number 10 is made using a combination of two of these decimal numbers: 1 and 0 while a number like 209 is a combination of three decimal numbers: 2, 0, and 9. There is no limit as to how many times the numbers can be reused, that's why it is often said that numbers never end.


The binary system is a numerical system that works virtually the same as the decimal number system with which people are probably more familiar. While the decimal number system is based on the number 10, the binary system uses 2. Furthermore, while the decimal system uses digits 0 through 9, the binary system uses only 0 and 1, and each digit is called a bit. In addition to these differences, operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all calculated according to the same rules as the decimal system.


In binary to base 10, the Base-of-10 numbering system is called the decimal or "denary" counting system where each digit in a number assumes one of ten possible values, called "digits," from 0 to 9, e.g. 21310 (Twenty-first hundred). But as well as having 10 digits (0 through 9), the decimal numbering system also has addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


The octal system allows large binary numbers to be converted into smaller and more compact groups. A binary number can be converted to an octal number in different ways. Use direct or indirect methods to convert. Simply put, if you do it manually, you would do it with three steps. First, you must convert a binary to another basic system (for example, decimal or hexadecimal). Then in octal number that you need to convert.


Octal refers to the base-8 numbering system. An octal number system consists of eight single-digit numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The number after 7 is 10. The number after 17 is 20 and so forth. In computing environments, it is commonly used as a shorter representation of binary numbers by grouping binary digits into threes. The chmod command in Linux or UNIX uses octal to assign file permissions.


Hexadecimal describes a numbering system containing 16 sequential numbers, including 0, as base units. The hexadecimal numbers are 0-9 and the letters A-F are then used. Octal numbers only use 0-7 digits. It is known as the number of base-8. The place value of each octal number digit varies as the total number of 8 powers starting from the right (Least Significant Digit). In the octal system, the first single-digit number is 0 and the last one is 7. Likewise, 10 is the first two-digit octal number and 77 is the last. In early computers, the octal number system was widely used.


The octal number system is the base-8 number system, or oct for short, and uses the 0 to 7 digits. Octal numerals can be obtained by grouping consecutive binary numerals into groups of three (from right to left). An older system of numbers based on a computer is "octal," or base “8.” The octal digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The value "eight" is written as "1 eight and 0," or 108. Technically, there are many different computer-language protocols for octal, but we, in general, just use the simple mathematical system.


You can convert any octal number to decimal number. The method is very similar to the conversion of any binary number to decimal number, the only difference is that in this case the 2s will be replaced by 8, and all the other methods will remain the same. So it's quite clear that if we want to change any octal number into a decimal number, we need to start multiplying the number digits from the right side with 8 staring from 0 and finally summing up all the results.


There are different methods of converting decimal to octal, either direct or indirect. You need to convert a decimal number into another number system in an indirect method (e.g. binary or hexadecimal), then you can convert it into binary number by converting each digit from hexadecimal into binary number and using grouping from the octal number system.

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